Corporate Social Responsibility
The FF OpsCo’s Corporate Responsibility scheme is based upon a wider strategic approach and is defined by the philosophy of the company.
Every corporate responsibility act is defined by the management’s commitments towards the employees, the shareholders, the clients, the suppliers, and the society at large.
The FF OpsCo’s Corporate Responsibility Programme spreads through the basic axes evolving around Culture and Sports, Society and Environment.
With the environment and the sustainable development always in mind, the FF OpsCo Headquarters, as well as the Factory Outlet retail stores, are housed in eco-friendly buildings, promoting programmes of recycling and battery recycling, energy saving by which the employees, the third-party partners and the visitors abide.
Society Axis
The activities of the FF OpsCo aim to extend to long-lasting charity initiatives, covering the needs of schools, non-profit institutions and NGOs that involve children, the tenderest part of society as well as women.
Culture/Sports Axis
Being a company that operates in different countries, the FF OpsCo embraces culture and arts as global means of communication that unite civilizations. Thus, culture has been a significant feature of the social contribution of the FF OpsCo: the cooperation with organizations which promote culture and art is considered as of really high importance in order to preserve each region’s cultural heritage and also to support the artists’ efforts.
Along the Sports axis, FF OpsCo rewards every effort that promotes sport and makes us nationally proud.